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We’re launching a new Drab to Fab series where we’ll take you through an entire restoration project from start to finish in the heart of Ballard.  Be sure to follow us on Instagram @heatondainard for our new Instagram TV channel as well as our YouTube channel for the full video installments as well as detailed blog posts and further information about our restoration.


Originally settled by Scandinavians, Ballard proudly touts the ties to its original settlers.  Chic boutiques, used bookstores, and trendy cafes have added a social atmosphere to the same locations as the Nordic Heritage Museum and the famous Ballard locks. Recent years have seen the neighborhood transform in to a foodie haven with plenty of breweries and popular night spots. From day to night, Ballard has something for everyone making it one of the most desirable locations in the greater Seattle area.


Ballard is one of our favorite places to invest because of the rich history that has also created a unique style and charm and a different type of challenge as an investor.  Locals have worked hard to preserve the original look and feel of the neighborhood for generations, we aim to continue that legacy.   Our Jones Avenue project is the quintessential Ballard home.  An original craftsman built in 1910 with tons of potential, but lack of care has allowed the house to fall into disrepair.  Our goal is to restore the house back to its original style so that it fits and contributes to the charm of the neighborhood.


We’re just getting started on the Jones Avenue house and we’ve already run into a whole host of issues that we will cover throughout the series.  However, the overarching challenge is updating the home and making it livable and safe, without altering the original design and style.  The previous owner of the home had divided the house into four units and rented each out separately.  None of this was permitted, resulting in multiple illegal dwelling units.  The original craftsman has become a hodge-podge of patchwork repairs resulting in asbestos and rat infestations.  We’re sure to find many more issues as we get underway. Follow along with us as we navigate these issues and take Jones Avenue from Drab to Fab!

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