The One That Got Away

The one that got away

“Tell me about the one that got away (a deal you missed out on). And what lessons you learned from it?” – Lucas of Auburn, WA I never get too emotionally involved in any deal; it’s business. You can’t take anything too personally, so there’s really never been one that hurt or has stung me […]

Backing Out Of Deals

Backing out of deals

“Have you ever backed out of a deal and why?” – Jett of Shoreline, WA I’ve never backed out of a deal that I’ve waived feasibility on. I always do all of the due diligence up front to make sure that the property works for us, and once we’ve committed deposited earnest money that is […]

Pricing Your Investment Property

Pricing Your Investment Property

“I’m looking to rent out my investment property but I’m not sure how to price it. What aspects are usually involved when deciding rental rates?” – Jose of Woodinville, WA Rental rates are very market and neighborhood specific, but also depend on: bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, the type of property, parking, and if it has […]